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One Thing I Do 

We Must Broaden Our Vision

Our God He is Alive
(Evidences from DNA)


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The Final Stages of Israel's Apostasy

Adult Bible Class in Progress - Sunday Morning 9:30 - Auditorium Class
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 A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold.
(Proverbs 22:1)


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University church of Christ


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(7:00 PM)



449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830
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Larry Rouse
1174 Terrace Acres Drive
Auburn, AL 36830

Cell:    (334) 734-2133
(334) 209-9165

Walker Davis
1653 Millbranch Drive,
Auburn, AL 36832

Cell:    (334) 703-0050
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church of Christ

449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830


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The Cost of Influence and Reputation

by Bill Hall


There are people in this world who are possessed with natural ability to lead and command respect of others. Call it charm, charisma, magnetism, or whatever; such people wield a powerful influence on those who look up to them as the embodiment of all they would like to become themselves. Peter apparently possessed such qualities among the apostles. There were David, Deborah, Nehemiah, and others. We have known such people in our day and have been influenced by them. Each reader can probably think of some “hero” of faith that he or she has looked up to through the years.

The opportunities for good that such people possess are tremendous, but so are the responsibilities. It is true that sin is sin, whoever commits it - that sin will separate one person from God just as quickly as it will another. But the adverse consequences of one’s sins increase dramatically with the increase of the influence and reputation he enjoys among others. The confidence of others is a trust that must be carefully protected. Once that trust is in place, the person to whom it is committed has responsibilities that others of more normal influence and reputation do not have. And the more people involved in the trust, the greater the responsibility.

Those of reputation must be prepared for greater public scandal when they sin. Nathan told David that because of his adultery he had “given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme” (2 Samuel 12:14). Others had committed adultery in Israel, and their adultery had gone unnoticed by the enemies of God. But this was David! It was inevitable that the sin of this one man of influence and reputation would result in greater scandal than the sins of a multitude of people of lesser influence and reputation.

Those of reputation must be prepared for sterner rebuke when they sin than those of lesser reputation. Paul speaks of withstanding Peter “to his face” when Peter withdrew from eating with the Gentiles (Galatians 2:11-13). Paul’s rebuke of Peter was “before them all”. Peter was hardly the first Jewish Christian to refuse to eat with Gentile Christians, but Paul obviously recognized the seriousness of Peter’s actions because of his greater reputation and influence. Others were following his lead on this occasion, including Barnabas. Peter could not enjoy the luxury of a private meeting with Paul; Peter had to face the sting of immediate and open rebuke. Peter had betrayed a trust. Nothing less than open rebuke could counteract the harm that was resulting. Sterner rebuke is simply a cost - an inevitable cost – of influence and reputation.

Those of reputation must live more cautiously than others if they would maintain their influence and good name. Every Christian is warned not to place a stumbling block in his brother’s way (Romans 14:13; 1 Corinthians 8:9), but one who is known and admired by thousands of brethren in many places obviously will have to be more cautious than one who is known and admired by only a few brethren locally. Paul would have to give up far more to be “all things to all men” than would some Christian who had never been outside his home community. That’s just the cost of influence and reputation. If one is not willing to pay that cost, if he is determined to be unbending in his conduct “no matter what others might think”, he needs to come to a greater appreciation of the value of a good name (Proverbs 22:1).

Those of reputation must be especially careful to build upon Jesus Christ, the true foundation, rather than upon themselves. The words, “For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord,” must become their motto (2 Corinthians 4:5). Those who place their loyalty in men of name and reputation

are in error. Their faith is not what it ought to be. But those who deliberately use charisma and flattery to attract a following are also in error (1 Thessalonians 2:1-13). The more natural charisma one is blessed with, the more cautious he must be.

When “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, a star Chicago White Sox outfielder, was involved in the “Black Sox” scandal of the 1920’s and was on his way to trial, a small boy, hurt, disappointed, with tears in his eyes, was heard to cry, “Say it ain’t so, Joe; say it ain’t so.”

Each reader is likely somebody’s hero. Other readers are men and women of widespread influence. Let each one, when he is tempted, and before he yields, look ahead to the tears and hurt and disillusionment that he is about to bring to those who look up to him. Let him hear their potential cries of “Say it ain’t so, Joe” and, motivated by their confidence and his own love for the Lord, let him “resist the devil”. If he betrays the trust that has been committed to him, he can be saved eternally through repentance and forgiveness, but he likely will never recover the confidence he has lost. Right or wrong, that’s reality. It is the cost – the inevitable cost - of influence and reputation.



  Other Articles by Bill Hall
By Grace Through Faith But When?

Good Leadership
Christians With No Denominational Ties
Two Men Can't Agree on Religion
Two Men Know They Are Saved
The Church's Purpose
Attitudes Towards the Weak
The Booing Spectators
Two Men Disagree With the Preacher



The Northern Virginia Bible Study
Feb 25, 28 and March 1

The Apostles and the Local Church

Studies led by Larry Rouse

Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - Words
Lesson 1 - Words (With Full Scriptures Printed)

Lesson 2 - The Local Church and the Words of the Apostles
Lesson 2 - The Local Church and the Words of the Apostles (With Full Scriptures Printed)

Lesson 3 - What Is the Place and Purpose of the Contribution

Lesson 3 - What Is the Place and Purpose of the Contribution (With Full Scriptures Printed)

Lesson 4 - How Do the Apostles Words Instruct Us Concerning Doctrinal Differences?
Lesson 4 - How do the Apostles Words Instruct Us Concerning Doctrinal Differences? (With Full Scriptures Printed)

Click Here for Audio and Additional Resources

The Character and Attributes of God

Download the current outlines:
Lesson 1 - Diligently Seeking God
Lesson 2 - A Holy God
Lesson 3 - A Jealous God
Lesson 4- The Wrath and Longsuffering of God
Lesson 5 - The Love and Forgiveness of God
Click Here for Audio

Monthly Bible Study in Lagrange
at the Eastside church of Christ in LaGrange, Georgia

Overcoming the Present Apostasy by Larry Rouse


Saturday October 9, 2010

9:30 AM
- How do We View the Bible?



Saturday December 11, 2010

9:30 AM - How Do We View the World?




University church of Christ


Assembly Times


   Bible Classes (9:30)

   AM Worship (10:20)

   PM Worship (6:00 pm)


   Bible Classes
(7:00 PM)



449 North Gay Street

Auburn, AL 36830

Click Here for Specific Directions


Overcoming the Present Apostasy

Sermon Series by Larry Rouse

Piscataway, NJ Nov 20-22, 2009



Friday Night 7:30

Lesson1 - How Do We View the Bible?


Saturday Night 7:30

Lesson 2 - How do we View the World?


Sunday Morning 9:15
Lesson 3 - How do we View God's Order for Leadership?


Sunday Morning 10:00
Lesson 4 - How Do We View the Local Church?


Sunday Morning 11:00
Lesson 5 - How Do We View God's Instruction on Fellowship


For Additional Information, Audio and Outlines Click Here


Recent Bulletins:

The Auburn Beacon - Dec 26, 2010 Edition

The Auburn Beacon - Dec 19, 2010 Edition

The Auburn Beacon - Dec 12, 2010 Edition

The Auburn Beacon - Dec 5, 2010 Edition

The Auburn Beacon - Nov 28, 2010 Edition

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